We believe that every individual is an expert in their own lives; as such, they have the right to choose a self-directed approach to recovery that meets their needs.
Accordingly, we host a variety of meetings and activities for a range of people. These include but are not limited to:
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Refuge Recovery
- Recovery Dharma
- Sounds of Recovery (an art-based recovery group)
- Recovery yoga
- Heroin Anonymous
- Wellbriety
- Medication-Assisted Recovery Anonymous
- Crimanon
- Spanish Speaking Meetings
- Closed Adolescent Meetings
We seek to offer any meeting and activity that promotes recovery for young adults.
If you would like to see a different type of meeting that isn’t on our list, please get in touch (support@4drecovery.org), and we can try to meet that need. Community members are empowered, encouraged, and supported to create meetings where they see a need.
In contrast to peer services, which are available for 18-35 year-olds living in Multnomah, Washington, or Clackamas counties, our events and meetings are available for all.
Please refer to the below schedule for a comprehensive list of meetings: