Vision and Mission

Our Vision

4D envisions a future where systems, communities, and individuals work together to ensure all people can access the resources necessary to find sustained recovery from alcohol and substances.

Our Mission

To provide–in partnership with systems, communities, and individuals–a variety of recovery support services to adolescents and young adults between the ages of 14 and 35.

Five Values & Rights:

  1. Young adults have specialized needs and therefore require age-specific recovery services that are sensitive to race, culture, and gender identity.

  2. Substance use disorder does not discriminate and neither should systems, communities, or individuals that support recovery. Recovery support should be on demand and available to everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, or the ability to pay for treatment.

  3. Each person’s recovery journey is unique. and they are the experts in their own life. All pathways to recovery are equally valid, including harm reduction and medication-assisted treatment.

  4. Peer services are as vital as clinical services. Working together is the best way to ensure successful, long-term recovery.

  5. Stigma is a major barrier in helping people recover. Substance use disorder is a disease–not a moral failing.

Young man walks with child holding hands next to graffiti wall, both wear 4D sweatshirts.


The 4th Dimension Recovery Center got it's name in 2012 when Devon Andrade recalled a passage from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. In the passage, AA co-founder Bill Wilson wrote that working with another alcoholic [or addict] to overcome drinking [or drugs] was like "being rocketed into the 4th dimension.”

Devon, along with his fellow founding members, had captured perfectly what before had been difficult to explain about their nascent operation, the first of its kind. The team imagined a physical space where addicts and alcoholics could meet, socialize, and work with peers who understood their struggles. In contrast to the more established recovery pathways (institutions and jails) they well knew. Together, they imagined a community recovery center where people seeking recovery would come for one very simple reason: because they wanted to be there.

4D’s impact and recovery model has evolved since the early days when 4D’s primary purpose was to provide a safe, drug-and-alcohol-free environment where young people seeking recovery could hang out and socialize.

While many people are responsible for this growth and evolution, we owe special thanks to Winston Murray, 4D’s first president, who played a special role in elevating the organization and transforming our dreams into reality. His unwavering grit and commitment – demonstrated in a series of early fundraising events and community outreach efforts – resulted in 4D attracting several recovery old-timers, public officials, and government contractors. Because of Winston, 4D’s purpose began to grow.

Tony Vezina, cofounder and current Executive Director of 4D, worked with Winston to grow 4D’s mission and impact further. Soon, Tony and Winston had set the foundation upon which a transformative, first-of-its-kind organization would grow. Key stakeholders within Portland and Oregon began lending a hand, and just like that, 4D was fastened to Portland’s recovery community.

So while 4D looks very different today than it did in 2012, its primary purpose remains the same: to discover a new dimension and understanding of recovery – together.

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