SUD Treatment and Mental Health Services

Our holistic approach to substance use disorder and the belief that when an entire system is disrupted with substance use disorder, the entire system needs treatment services to make it whole again.

Learn More About What We Have to Offer

4D's SUD Treatment and Mental Health services combine evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy and substance use disorder treatment from Hazelden Publishing with the innovative work of Sharon Wegscheider Cruse, focusing on family dynamics in the context of addiction.


Key Features of 4D Treatment Services:

  • Therapeutic Approach: The treatment includes traditional talk therapy to encourage reflection on group discussions and personal experiences.
    Family Involvement: Clients can invite their family of origin or family of choice/chosen family. to join a group session once a week. The first half of the session will educate families on dynamics and roles within families affected by addiction.
  • Separate Group Sessions: After the educational part, family members will meet with a 4D Mental Health Services professional, while clients will work with their substance use disorder counselors. This structure allows each group to explore and develop the ideas discussed during the joint session.


Philosophy of Care

4D Treatment Services emphasizes the importance of healing family relationships, fostering spirituality, and taking actionable steps toward a fulfilling life in recovery. The program believes that successful recovery depends not only on effective treatment for substance use disorder but also on support systems that enhance personal growth.

Role of Mentors

The clinic prioritizes the role of mentors, viewing them as equally or more significant than traditional mental health professionals and substance use counselors. Fun and community connection are integral to recovery, as highlighted by the 4D Recreation Centers in the tri-county area. The aim is to show individuals that recovery can be enjoyable and fulfilling.


Unique Aspects of 4D Outpatient Treatment:

Use of Talk Therapy/Process Models
Family Engagement: Families or chosen supporters participate in weekly group sessions.
Educational Sessions: Support members receive training on family dynamics.
Access to Professionals: Both mental health and substance use disorder professionals are readily available.

4D's innovative approach aims to create a supportive environment for clients and their families as they navigate the recovery journey together.

Service Overview:

  • Same Day Assessments (ages 18+)
  • Individuals on Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid)
  • Residents of Multnomah County


Services available for Ages 18 - 35

  • SUD Counseling
  • Mental Health Services
  • Case Management Services
  • Clinical Mentor Services
  • IOP Housing (limited)



Co-Occurring Capable Levels:

  • 1.0 - Outpatient (OP)
  • 2.1 - Intensive Outpatient (IOP)
  • 2.5 - Partial Hospitalization (PHP)


21440 SE Stark St Gresham, OR 97030

Monday -  Friday 7:30 am - 5:00 pm



Client Testimonial 

"Without 4D I would have never gotten clean and sober. 4D has given me a second chance at life and taught me that I have the ability to get clean and stay clean on my own. I always thought that I would have to be placed inpatient to get clean and with the help of 4D I was able to do it without being hospitalized. 4D also provided me housing while I was stuck living in my vehicle and on the streets and for that I am eternally grateful."

- 4D Client

"The moment I stepped through the doors of 4D Treatment Center, I immediately knew, wholeheartedly, that I was in good hands. With the help of my counselor, and 4D staff, the level of care that they put into me was truly remarkable. And for that, I am grateful. They gave me a place to sleep and put food in my belly. I was completely broken before I walked in the doors. Working with IOP Counselor and Therapist,  and a Mentor has completely restored my faith in humanity. The resources that are available at my fingertips, just by picking up my phone, I can get a ride from my Mentor, get a cup of coffee, have a life changing conversation and get help managing my life needs. The housing is very cozy, clean and creates a productive environment.
Thank you to 4D"

- 4D Client


Clinical Staff Testimonial: Transformation Through Recovery and Giving Back

At 4D Recovery, we understand that the journey to recovery is strengthened through community and comprehensive support. Our holistic approach integrates a range of services, including peer mentorship, recovery community centers, treatment programs, and recovery housing. We believe that when we invest in individuals, we not only help them reclaim their lives but also empower many to enter the behavioral health workforce, contributing to the broader mission of recovery and support. This approach is a true win-win, fostering personal transformation while strengthening the recovery community as a whole.

  "As a youth, I remember struggling with my addiction, desperately looking for help and support during my battle—trying to identify a system and a community to connect with. I eventually found 4D, where I began my road to recovery as a client. After being a client, I was given the opportunity to put hope within reach and give back what was so freely given to me by working as a mentor. It not only helped me in my own recovery but also gave me the chance to connect with our young community, providing guidance, direction, and support in many ways. Now, as a CDAC, my experiences have shaped my commitment to helping others find hope and healing. This journey fuels my passion to ensure that others do not have to face their struggles alone.”  

- 4D Staff

Other Frequently Asked Questions

This is a frequently asked question from clients on their first encounter with staff. When you first meet with a counselor, they will do a complete assessment that covers every aspect of your life, including medical needs, mental health needs, your substance use history, your living situation, and your overall satisfaction with your life and the direction in which you would like to see your life go. Based on this and other pieces of information, you and your counselor will come up with a plan that works best for you and addresses your needs. Sometimes, this means going into a residential program. Other times, and more often than not, it means that you would complete an outpatient program. The time that you are in treatment services is entirely clinically indicated. This means the decision is continually based on your needs and the progress you are making in treatment.

In our experience we have seen that seldom is there ever a good time to go to treatment. It isn't easy to carve out the needed time to take care of yourself. However, it is one of the most important things you will do in your life. If you wait for a "good time," you may never find one, and in the meantime, the challenges in your life related to substance use only get worse. Prioritizing your mental health and treatment is an investment in your life, your future, and the lives of those you love. Our staff can help schedule you for services at the best possible time with your schedule. You will never regret a decision to prioritize your well-being.

During the assessment process, you will work with your counselor to complete an assessment/evaluation that covers each and every aspect of your life, including medical needs, mental health needs, your substance use history, your living situation, and your overall satisfaction with your life and the direction in which you would like to see your life go. Based on this information, you and your counselor will develop a plan that may involve a greater emphasis on mental health, substance use disorder, or perhaps both. You will leave the assessment with a working plan and a blueprint for your time in treatment. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals, all the while doing so without the use of substances and prioritizing your mental health and well-being.

Treatment services are individualized and clinically indicated. If you broke your arm, your healthcare professional would craft a plan (potentially) involving surgery, setting the broken bone, aftercare and follow-up visits, a cast, physical therapy, lifting restrictions, and a lot of rest. This plan would be based on the healthcare professionals experience in dealing with similar injuries in addition to best practices in the field of medicine with similar broken bones. UItimately, however, your body and the care you take of your injury determines much of what happens and the speed in which it happens. Similarly, our clinical assessment, our experience working with others with addiction challenges, and national best practices help to create a time frame for treatment services. However, the work that you do, the progress you make, and your determination to live a better life and work toward your goals are huge contributors to the length of time you spend in treatment. Conversely, if you are struggling, need extra help, and are having a difficult time applying your new knowledge and skills, we will work together on a plan designed to keep you engaged in treatment services for as long as you need the support. Our best advice to you is to work with your counselor, develop a plan, and work diligently to reach your goals.

Congratulations on making the decision to go to 12-step meetings. 12-step meetings are a great way to build community, stay active in your recovery, be with like-minded people, and be of service to others. Many people at 12-step meetings got their start in treatment services and found their way to 12-step meetings upon the recommendation from their treatment team. 12-step meetings are an incredible adjunct to treatment services. It is almost like the glue/protection that holds it all together. Some people find this in church, and others find it in volunteering in their community; however, by large, most people in recovery have built their foundation with treatment services and 12-step meetings together. 12-step meetings are self-help groups. Treatment services are facilitated by experts in the field of addiction and mental health. Many topics should be addressed in a professional setting versus a 12-step meeting. You will find that your treatment team makes your treatment individualized to you and your needs. 12-step meetings are designed to address the needs of the entire group and/or addiction in general. Both are incredible resources and long after you complete treatment, 12-step meetings will be there for your continued needs and to continue building community.